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TomShell Reference Manual
October 4, 1990
last revised August 10, 1991
Tom Clegg
Table of Contents
0. 0.200! new features
1. TomShell Commands
alias dir ls system
author echo mkdir unalias
cat exit mv unset
cd help ren verbatim
cls history rm word
condense input rmdir
cp interact set
2. Batch file only commands
gosub resume
goto return
if :label
3. Special variables
0..99 dcdwatch keystat quick
anygem f margin resolution
cwd f1..f20 mem status
date font nolabel time
disk force owrite verbosity
dcd key PATH volume
********** NEW: pause, prompt, shortdir, width ***********
4. Special characters
> >> < $ \ # ; ! "
5. Explanations
.1 Batch files
.2 Errorlevels
.3 Filename completion
.4 Modes of Operation
.5 Output devices
.6 Running Programs
.7 Variables
0. 0.200! New features
.1 Finally, "ls" does good columns! The list goes down the first (left)
column, down the second column, down the third column, and so on.
This is much better for actually trying to find files. Maybe
eventually this will be used in the "help" command as well. :-)
.2 Two new variables have been implemented: pause and prompt. Check
out the appropriate sections in the manual (search for "(NEW)").
I'm especially proud of "prompt". :-) Why are there so many
happy faces here? :-)
.3 Two more variables have been implemented: shortdir and width. Again,
check for function later on.
.4 With all these new variables, the "set" output got far too long to
be useful (on a 25-line screen, all user variables were scrolled off
the top by the system variables), so the system variables are hidden
unless a "set s" command is given. Much nicer looking.
.5 Small and probably unnoticed feature removed: "alias f" would do
the "set f" output but preceded by "f= ". Rather insignificant,
but worth fixing anyway. :-)
1. TomShell Commands
alias author cat cd cls condense
cp dir echo exit help history
input interact ls mkdir mv ren
rm rmdir set system unalias unset
verbatim word
alias assign a complex meaning to a simple word.
alias jim cat d:\stadel\money # `jim' now means `cat d:\...'
alias jim # what is "jim" aliased as?
alias # list all aliases
author display initial message about me and my address.
cat display a [text] file to the current output device. Can
be redirected via >whatever
cat file1
cat file1 file2
cd change current default (working) directory. Equivalent to
"set cwd ..."
cd e:\stadel\
cd \files\texts
cd d:\
cls clear the screen using the VT52 "esc E" command. Can
be redirected via >whatever
condense take the spaces out of a variable's value.
condense blah # blah="foo bar" => blah="foobar"
cp copy files. If there is more than one argument, the last
one is considered to be the destination directory or file.
cp jimbob.doc joebob.asc # copy jimbob to joebob
cp fubar.txt \texts\ # copy fubar.txt to \texts\
cp fubar1.txt fubar2.txt \texts\
cp fu*.doc \texts\
cp fu*.doc # copy to current dir.
cp fubar.txt # copy to current dir.
dir list files in current or given directory. A search mask
or path may be given. Each file is displayed on a separate
line, with its size, date, time, and status bits displayed
in neat columns along with it. Subdirectories are denoted
by a trailing "\".
dir # list all files in cwd
dir \texts\ # list all files in \texts\
dir \texts\*.doc
dir *.txt *.doc g:\*.c
echo display the arguments to the current output device.
echo blah # output: blah<cr/lf>
echo # output: <cr/lf>
echo -n blah # output: blah
echo this is a test
echo -n this is a test
echo -n $disk;echo k # output: (eg) 763k
exit exit the current batch file or interactive session.
exit 44 # sets $status to 44 and, if exiting
TomShell completely, returns 44
to the calling program.
(see also "system")
help display a list of available commands and reserved variables.
history display the last twenty commands entered, with line numbers.
These entries can be accessed with !# or !string (!# refers
to the line with the given number attached to it, !string
to the most recent command starting with "string").
input take one line of text input from the current input device
and place the received text in the given variable.
input name
input name <aux: >aux:
interact enter interactive mode until the command "exit" is issued.
See "Modes of Operation" below for more details.
ls display a short listing of files. Sytax is the same as
"dir", but the files are listed in columns of filenames
rather than with the size, date, time, etc.
mkdir create a directory (folder) with the given name.
mkdir tree
mkdir c:\blah
mkdir \test\phroo # note: \test will not be created
# if it doesn't already exist
mv identical to "cp" but, if a file is successfully copied,
the original file will be deleted.
ren rename a file
ren fubar.doc foobar.doc
ren jimbob \texts\ # jimbob -> \texts\jimbob
* Note: files can be renamed to anywhere on a logical drive
without being copied or moved (renaming is faster), but
not between drives.
* Note: under TOS 1.4 or greater, folders can also be
rm delete the specified file or files.
rm fubar.txt
rm *.*
rm *.txt
rmdir delete the specified directory (folder)
rmdir test
rmdir c:\temp
* Note: trying to delete a non-empty directory will result
in an error message.
set change the value of a user or system variable, or, if the
variable specified does not exist, create a new variable
with the given information.
set name Tom
set verbosity 2
set name # display the contents of $name
set # list all user-defined variables
set s # list all system variables
set f # list function key macros
system exit all levels of TomShell and return to the calling
program. Differs from "exit" in that if it is called
from a nested batch file or an "interact" system, the
system will exit completely rather than going back one
unalias remove an alias entry from the list
unalias v
unset remove a variable entry from the list
unset name
verbatim display a file to the console. NOTE: This will ONLY output
to the console and cannot be redirected. It provides the
advantage of being able to view a file containing non-ASCII
characters properly. Any character except for <cr> and <lf>
will be output as some form of character. Great for looking
at binary files (why?)
verbatim tomshell.ttp
word truncate the given variable to only one word (everything
before the first space)
word name # "Tom Clegg" -> "Tom"
2. Batch files only
gosub goto if ifv resume return
gosub branch to a given label until a "return" statement is
encountered, whereupon execution will continue from this
gosub test.label
goto branch to a given label
goto test.label.2
* Note: gosub, goto, and return work just like in BASIC.
if conditional statement, can use "and"/"or". Just like BASIC,
but the [in]equality operators are like C (==, !=, <, >,
<=, >=)
if <exp> and <exp> or <exp> then <cmd>
if $status >= 0 and $key == off then phroo.bat
if $status <0 or $key == on then fubar
if $status != 3 then gosub test.label.3
ifv simplified form of "if".
ifv status 0 goto foo
[equivalent to:]
if $status == 0 then goto foo
resume reset the "stopped" flag. The "s" key sets the flag,
and "resume" or the command prompt display resets it.
If it is set, no text is displayed unless "force" ==
"on" (see "force")
cat 1stfile
resume # in case 1stfile was aborted
cat 2ndfile # this one's important!
return return from a subroutine. An error results if there is
no "address" on the stack to return to (we aren't in
a subroutine).
:label define a label that can be jumped (goto label) or
branched (gosub label) to.
Special variables
0..99 ^ anygem cwd date ^ disk ^ dcd ^
dcdwatch f f1..f20 font force key ^
keystat ^ margin mem ^ nolabel owrite PATH
quick resolution ^ status time ^ verbosity volume
********** NEW: pause, prompt, shortdir, width ***********
^ == read only
0..99 the arguments passed to the current batch file, or the last
one executed. $0 is the name of the batch file, $1 is
the first argument, $2 the second, and so on
anygem if tomshell is run from the \auto\ folder or as a .TOS
program, set this variable to "off" before running any
programs within Tomshell. This disables the mouse on/off
routines and automatic GEM program recognition (.prg/.app).
cwd current working directory. "set cwd gleep" is equivalent
to "cd gleep". Good for putting in the prompt string.
date the current date: Mmm dd, yyyy
disk free space on the current drive, in kilobytes.
dcd DCD pin on serial port (carrier detect).
dcdwatch if this is set to "on", TomShell will exit to its calling
program as soon as it detects loss of carrier. Default is
f list of all the function key settings
f1..f20 individual function key macro settings. f11..f20 mean
shift+f1 to shift+f10. Always use "definition" when
setting these (always use quotes). To include a <return>,
use "\r".
Similarly: \b backspace
\t tab
\e escape
\r return
\< left arrow
\> right arrow
\[ shift-left arrow
\] shift-right arrow
\^ up arrow
\v down arrow
font big/small (monochrome only). Refers to the system font size,
small == 8x8, big == 8x16. The 8x8 (small) font gives you
50 lines per screen, the 8x16 (big) font gives you 25.
Default is big. Trying to use the small font in colour or
(especially) on a TT is perilous.
force if this is set to "on", the [P] and [S] keys are disabled
(display is uninterruptable). Default is off.
key "on" if there is a key waiting in the key input buffer
(use it as an abort key in, say, a time-consuming script).
keystat bit mapped number, each bit represents a different status
bit value meaning
0 1 right shift
1 2 left shift
2 4 control
3 8 alternate
4 16 caps lock on
5 32 right mouse button
6 64 left mouse button
margin the number of spaces output before each line displayed
(after each <cr><lf>). Usually only good for printing.
Default is 0.
mem the size of the largest block of free memory, in kilobytes.
nolabel "exit" or "cont". Controls behaviour of tomshell when
a label is not found (goto/gosub). "exit" will force
a "system" command when a variable is not found, and when
$nolabel == "cont", tomshell will continue as if the gosub
or goto command had not been made. Default is exit.
owrite controls behaviour when the destination file for a cp or
mv operation already exists. "off", "on", and "ask".
Should be obvious.
PATH list of folders, separated by commas, where tomshell will
search for programs and batch files that are called but
not found in the current directory. "." does not need to
been included.
pause (NEW) set to any value under 32767 to pause after the given number
of lines have been displayed (since the last keypress).
The "More..." prompt will be shown, and you can type:
S stop output: like normal [s]
C continuous: don't do any more pausing
Note that the C option is temporary; it will stay in effect
until you press a key. This includes pressing a key during
the listing of (for instance) the file being displayed,
which is a bit silly but sometimes useful.
To turn this feature off permanently, set pause to 0.
The default for this variable is 0 (no pause).
prompt (NEW) like many shells' prompt string, but slightly more powerful
and interesting. Not only can you display whatever you want
in place of the standard "1 c:\tomshell > " prompt, you can
run programs and execute other commands when the prompt is
displayed. Please note that this is a bad place to put an
"interact" command. Probably the worst place. Don't. :)
A trailing space character is always output after this
command is executed, since it's very difficult to coerce
tomshell into outputting a space character on its own.
The default setting is "echo -n $ncmd $cwd >", which outputs
the index of the current command (useful for !13 etc) and
the current directory. You could run batch files and neat
stuff like that from here, but it's good to keep the
execution time of this command down, since it's done a lot.
Usually you'll just use the "echo" command.
When setting this, put the command you want to be in the
prompt string in quotation marks. Otherwise, $variables
are likely to be evaluated at the time of the "set prompt"
command rather than during execution of the prompt string.
set prompt "goo;echo -n $ncmd FOOBAR $cwd SILLY >"
quick "on" or "off". Makes output to the screen quicker, but
must be turned off for remote use. Default is off.
resolution the current resolution of the ST's screen. High, medium, or
low. TT resolutions are called "unknown".
shortdir if on, the time and date are left off the "dir" listing.
Good for getting two columns on an 80-column screen and
still seeing the file sizes and attributes. Default is
status the exit code returned by the last command or program
executed. Most tomshell commands leave $status intact.
time the current time. hh:mm:ss in 24-hour format.
verbosity 0, 1, and 2 supported now. Controls amount of information
displayed by tomshell. Currently only restricts "cmd exit
code #" (displayed only when $verbosity >= 1) and "File
not found" (GEMDOS verbal error messages) (displayed only
when $verbosity >= 2). Default is 2.
volume if set to "on", the volume name and serial number of the
disk in question will be displayed on the first line of a
"dir" output. Default is off.
width screen width. Used for figuring out how many columns to
use in "ls" and "dir".
Special characters
> >> < $ \ # ; ! "
> |
>> | redirection
< |
$ precedes variable names (echo $name)
\ separates directory names from each other and from filenames
# (.tom files) from here to end of line is a comment
; separates two or more commands (echo $name;cat phroo;exit)
! used to access command history entries (see "history")
" text enclosed in "quotes" will not be inspected for > <
>> $ -n etc. Use if you want to print "test test" (>1
space between words) or "$56.45" or "shmoo -n pak" or
something like that.
5. Explanations
.1 Batch files
To create a batch file, use any editor or word processor that can save
a file "as ASCII", that is, with no special format or styling commands.
An editor such as STeno or MicroEmacs will do fine. Each line of a batch
file is processed separately, just as if it were entered on the keyboard
in interactive mode. There are a few important differences, however. The
first is that there are some commands available only in batch files. See
"Batch files only" above for a list of these commands. Comments can also
be imbedded in batch files. To include a comment in a batch file, use a
# character. When Tomshell sees a # it will disregard everything until
it gets to the next line of the file.
Batch files' filenames should end with .bat, .tom, or .btp (for
NeoDesk users). To execute a batch file, simply type its name. You don't
need to type the .bat (or whatever) at the end of it, but it won't do
any harm. When Tomshell is looking for programs matching a certain name
(such as when you type "phroo"), priority will be given to batch files over
program files (.prg, .tos, .ttp, .app). This means that if you tell
Tomshell to run "foo", and there is a "foo.bat" and a "foo.tos" in the
current directory, Tomshell will run "foo.bat".
When it is first run, Tomshell will look for a batch file called
"tomshell.tom" or "tomshell.bat" and automatically execute it before
entering interactive mode. This is a good place to put some commonly used
aliases and variable assignments, and possibly turn off the keyclick or
something like that. It's just like autoexec.bat in the Messydos world.
.2 Errorlevels
An errorlevel (also called return code or status) is a number that
has some particular meaning, specific to the program or batch file that
returns it. The negative errorlevels are usually reserved for errors
relating to the operating system, such as -33, which means "file not
found" and is well known to anyone using a command line interpreter for
more than about five seconds. Tomshell will look for negative errorlevels
and output an appropriate message, if it has one. Whether or not Tomshell
finds a verbal message, it will output a "cmd exit code #" if the
status after the last command is not zero. Zero is returned when nothing
of note has happened and everything is fine and dandy, so there is no
need for any "warning" to this effect.
Aside from the reserved gemdos/bios/xbios errorlevels, a number returned
by a program can mean just about anything. Some programs even return weird
numbers like 2851, for no apparent reason. Usually, however, programs will
return a 0, unless an error occurs. You can set up batch files and
programs that return meaningful error codes not necessarily relating to
errors. For example, a BBS program may exit and return 8, which means that
it's midnight and the "today's callers" file should be deleted, and maybe
some other stuff.
The errorlevel returned by the last command is kept in the status variable
($status). If you don't want the verbal messages ("File not found"), set
$verbosity to 1. If you don't want the verbal messages _or_ the numeric
messages, set $verbosity to 0. The default for $verbosity is 2 (show
both lines).
.3 Filename completion
A very useful feature of TomShell, and one for which I got the inspiration
and keys and so on from Gulam, is filename completion. With this nifty
doo-dad, you can get a list of all the files that start with what you've
just typed. This only works if the cursor is in the last position of
the entered command line (at the very end).
If the command line looks like this:
d:\devpac > cp c:\bin\foobar\jam
The cursor must be here ^ for filename completion to do anything.
If you press Tab, Insert, or ^I (ASCII tab), TomShell will attempt to
expand the partial filename you have typed as much as it can, which is
until either there is more than one match or the complete filename has
been completed. For example, if you have the following files in the
current directory:
Pressing any of the abovementioned keys will accomplish the following:
You type... TomShell turns into...
f f
fu fubar
fo foo
foo foo
fooo fooobar
foob foobar
t tomfile
If tomshell manages to fill in the complete filename, it will also add
a space after it, which not only lets you know that the filename is complete,
but readies the command line for another, separate, argument.
If you use the Home key (or ^O), TomShell will first do everything mentioned
above, but if it can't fill in the whole filename it will give you a
list (in "ls" format) of all files that match the most specific pattern
that it can derive. The command line will then reappear with the text
you entered before the ^O still intact.
Try it, it's neat. It's particularly handy for accessing files such as
temporary files created by Arc: "a6238124.tmp" can be entered, in most
cases, by typing "a6<tab>", which is considerably faster than typing
in the whole filename yourself.
.4 Modes of Operation
Tomshell has two modes of operation. At any given time, it is either
processing commands from a batch file or waiting for you to type commands
directly into the shell and processing them as they are entered. The
second ("interactive") mode can be entered from the first ("batch") mode
with the "interact" function. To return to batch mode from interactive
mode, give the "exit" command. If you are in the "top" level (not within
a batch file or interact command, which incidentally can also be used from
the command line) and you issue the "exit" command, Tomshell will terminate
and you will be returned to the desktop, or whatever you ran tomshell from.
Batch files can be started up from within other batch files with no problem.
Actually, there is a limit to how "deep" this can go, but it shouldn't get
in your way.
.5 Output devices
There are a few special output devices that can be used with the
redirection operators (> >> <) for various purposes. The devices supported
by Tomshell are:
con: the console (screen)
prn: the parallel port (printer)
aux: the serial port (modem)
Use these devices in place of filenames and output from commands (and
properly written programs) will be output to them rather than the current
output/input device (usually con:).
.6 Running Programs
If you type only the main filename of the program you want to run, the
rest will be added automatically if a matching file is found. If more
than one executable (.bat, .btp, .tom, .prg, .tos, .ttp, .app) matches
the given filename, priority is given to the first batch file in the
directory listing as it is on the disk. This is not always the first
one displayed in a "dir" listing, but usually this shouldn't be a
If the extension of the file is not given, and there is no executable
match found in the current directory, the directories listed in the "PATH"
variable (separated by commas) are searched in the order in which they
appear in the list. If the extension of the file _is_ given, and the
file is not found in the current directory, the PATH directories will
not be searched.
.7 Variables
These are very important things for everything but the most basic of
applications. They are exactly what they sound like. You can keep anything
you want in a variable: numbers, text, symbols, whatever. If you want to
include reserved characters (such as > or ;) that would otherwise mess up
Tomshell's operation, simply include them in "quotation marks". At the
moment, Tomshell has no math operators (even + and -) so you can't do much
in the way of counting or things like that. You can compare variables,
input them from the user, display them, and so on. The most notable
variables are the reserved variables used by various parts of Tomshell
(see _Special_variables_).
To change the value of a variable, use the "set" command. For example,
set foo bar
will create the variable "foo" (or change it if it already exists) and
set its value to "bar". The reserved variables work the same way:
set verbosity 1
Some reserved variables are read-only (for obvious reasons), such as
$disk (free space on the current drive) and $mem (largest block of free
You've probably noticed the $ in front of the variable names by now, and
may not know why it's there. All it does is tell Tomshell that the word
immediately following it is the name of a variable and should be replaced
with the contents of that variable. For example, to echo (show) the free
space on the current drive, type
echo $disk
This tells Tomshell to look for a variable called "disk" and echo the
the contents of that variable rather than the word "disk".
The $ is not required for the "set" command. In fact, you can become
quite confused if you start typing something like
set $verbosity 2
This might, for example, create a variable called "1" and set its value
to "2". This presumably isn't what you want. If you want to copy the
contents of variable a to variable b, type
set b $a
Note that the $ is used for the "a" variable. This is because we want
to set the variable "b" to _the_contents_of_ $a. Typing the $a tells
Tomshell to use the contents of the "a" variable.
Tom Clegg
e-mail contact at the NCAUG BBS, 613 737 1133, ...2400 bps